Monday, December 1, 2008


I can't tell you how many times I second guess myself before I post. Anyone else go through this?


Margaret Ann said...

Been there...done that...terrific page! :)

Anonymous said...

I hardly did that because I know that good or bad I did it with all my effort!

Really cute drawing! I got a real sense of being really really scared.


Anonymous said...

Yup! Perfect illustration....

Kate (Cathy Johnson) said...

No, but I probably SHOULD. >;-)

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Hehehe. Excellent. And, yes, I know just what you mean.

Luba said...

Yes, quite often! Your sketch captures the moment perfectly!

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah -- You nailed my compulsion! I tend to double-check EVERY thing. Probably wastes time I could be making art.

john.p said...

Isn't that the truth! Each post comes with a bit of anxiety.

Speck said...

Perfect capture of daily reality.

Sometimes I leave posts in draft overnight to see what they look like in the harsh light of morn. Lots of times I've hit "delete" instead of "publish." LOL!

rrARTz said...

oh yeah... i totally do that! what a great drawing!

Nothing to See said...

I do that, that is why I don't post more often.

Love the sketch.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha, absolutely! Brilliant picture. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes!! You're not alone at all!! And, believe us, your sketches are niiiice!!!

joanieART said...

you betcha....almost every time! LOL

Timaree said...

No, not really. I just post the picture I want to have on my blog and start talking. Since I get to edit to my heart's content before clicking that final button, I find it easy. Now getting the art or project done so I can post about it - that I find difficult.

Jim Bumgarner said...

I used to have that feeling, but now I just post-the-damn-thing whether I like it or not. Many of the posts I thought were not all that great got more comments than some of the ones I was most excited about: it doesn't matter anymore - I post EVERYTHING with no regret.