"In the small village of Pomaire, Chile, it is believed that 'chanchitos', little pigs, bring good luck. Three-legged chanchitos are especially fortunate and are traditionally given to friends as a token of goodwill and love."
Isn't he a cutie? My dear pal Aubrey found him and gave him to me and he'll come with me to the Big City.
Coooool! I've been to that town, Maggie! It's true- those little chanchitos are all about. The whole town is centered around their products made out of "greda," or clay. I wish I'd seen this pre-my trip so I could have picked up another for you. Oh well though- Happy moving!
Maggie, I really like your work. I too go nuts over old houses with lots of details. Hope soon to have time to go sketching more of them. And your apartment looks very cozy. I really like the bay window. That must be a real joy to sit and work in that space.
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